Abusers are cursed by God and will pay for the pain they caused

2 years ago

Abusers love to show themselves as perfect people at church but go back home and they cut down the victim, use religion on them, manulate them, isolate then, lie, gossip, abusers are wicked people and will pay for the pain they caused the abused victims!! Pastors who spiritually abuse will pay to for they make themselves look so perfect and out of their mouths come lies and rage and deciet and they will suffer the wrath of God for He hates abuse and love the abused who get nothing at all! Churches do not help the abused at all they let us suffer abuse and welcome the abusers who parade as perfect people but are so wicked that they are not playing a game with God!! If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble or kick them down in abuse it would be better if they would tie a milestone around their neck and drown!! Woe unto to that man!! Abusers are cursed wicked people and are cursed by the Most High and He will make them pay for all the abuse they made the victims suffer will be returned to them!! God hates abuse and those who abuse woe unto you wicked people for God will make you suffer for it for abusing a child or church member or a wife!! God see it and writes it down and abusers are banned from heaven!! They are not allowed in at all!!! They will be at the great white throne judgement and God will say why did you abuse !! Why did you do this wicked thing!! Why did you!!!! Tie them hand and foot and caste them into the lake of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!!! God is not the all forgiving jelly bean churches talk about He hates abuse and will make them pay for it!!

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