Ukraine Nazis and the theatre of bullshit and reality reminders.

2 years ago

Apologies for the lag but it is what it is.

If you are here you must know the basics when it comes to our predicament within this clown show reality presentation that pulls us up the yellow brick world to find Oz who is the deceiver and reason why we are so ignorant and side-tracked. If you are worried about the screen then you need to find a quite place and talk to yourself as any distraction helps.
What we are seeing is more of the same, must all spring back to zero but what they have not told you is that the spring (figuratively speaking) has broken. What we do for ourselves is paramount to learning and understanding the nature of self to see past the nature (ruses) of reality so my advice, STOCK UP, PREPARE and ffs grow a pair.
The only thing to fear is you and the tricks the mind plays, look it deep in the eye and laugh.
Those we leave behind were probably not meant to be so dust yourself off and say, "I am not wrong, crazy or stupid, I'm just miles ahead".
Because when the sheep who follow and mis-lead begin, we will be gone and they will not wish to profit no more. Tough shit Joe, Alex, David, Hugo, Bannon, Assange, Thumbupherarse etc as you chose darkness and darkness will consume you as the light you speak of guides us who see from within and that which resides out is seen and rejected by we, real souls.

Fuck the shells, we are the soul and we will find our way back to self as we have already won, it just feels opposite everyti e we lose out especially love. True love awaits so stay on course and ignore the emerald green of evil.

Much L❤ve


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