Title IX, Sexual Assault, Due Process ... and private colleges? Doe v. Rhodes

5 years ago

A male student, Doe, was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow female student.

The mob demanded Doe's head, and the College went out of its way to deliver.

The alleged victim didn't testify. No cross examination was allowed. Only female witnesses who offered aggravating testimony were allowed to testify. All male students were denied the right to testify. And the college even denied the accused student the right to testify!

But Rhodes is a private college. The constitution's due process clause doesn't apply. Does this mean the college can do what it pleases?

A judge in today's case decides whether Title IX itself requires due process, and if so, if the college violated it. Must the student be readmitted to school?

Find out the details in this first-of-its-kind Title IX case involving a private college in today's video!

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