#BelieveAllWomen results in due process violations

5 years ago

#Title9 #DueProcess #KangarooCourt
The stars at night are big and bright - Deep in the heart of Texas. The prairie sky is wide and high - Deep in the heart of Texas [this is a personal note, not related to the case :) ]

John Doe was suspended as a student from the University of Connecticut based on a fellow student's sexual misconduct complain under Title 9. Title 9 of the education act states "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

A short statute, but one that has been a major driver of social justice reforms on college campuses. But what happens when social justice rubs against traditional notations of justce?

The complaint left a lot to be desired ... such as basic notions of due process, fundamental fairness, right to cross examine witnesses against you, right to present your own witness, ability to learn the exact nature of the charges against you, and such other *minor* niggling issues ...

In today's legal analysis, we discuss the case of John Doe, whether men accused of sexual misconduct do (or even should) have any rights at all, and whether #BelieveAllWomen has its limits ...

With guest Tactical Bra!

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