World Wide Rally for Freedom, London 19th March 2022 - Part 9

2 years ago

If you want to get an idea of what we are up against, listen to this interview, particularly from 26 minutes in:
"Apex predators define the topology of the space.... Either you're the apex predator, or somebody else is, but the apex predators are going to be the ones who run shit, and if you don't like that you just won't be one of the ones who run shit... one of the guys said, 'all animals are either predators or prey and predators don't feel bad when they kill prey, and if you feel bad when the prey humans die, then you've just said what kind of animal you are, and that animal doesn't run the world...' "
Daniel Schmachtenberger | Reality, Meaning & Self-Development | Modern Wisdom Podcast 179

And remember, right now it is almost impossible to know what is or isn't true, even if you've seen it 'on the internet'.

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