A plan to transform The People's Convoy into a traveling popular revolution

2 years ago

In this video, Rev Kev offers a plan to take The People's Convoy to targeted locations around the country, amassing millions of regular people along the way, to offer a redress of grievances at those locations. The journey is the destination.

The movement would start with the established COVID 19 goals, but with a shift in overall emphasis to justice from freedom. The movement would unite regular people from across the land who recognize our country is broken. The mission would grow to a broader focus on ending corruption and criminality in governments, so that we can resurrect a healthy and functioning American Nation. The people would demand evictions of public leaders who have engaged in corruption. It would replace those corruptocrats with good citizen legislators from the heartland who want to serve.

This is the apolitical nonviolent popular revolution that is needed to end the oligarchic rule that our founders warned us would happen if we were not vigilant.

Let's roll!

Rev Kev has no direct affiliation with The People's Convoy or any other trucker group. Rev Kev speaks for himself.

Old School Counselor (Rev Kev) is the Founder and Pastor of Living a Good Life Church. The views expressed in this video are a reflection of his free exercise of religion.

Living a Good Life Church website: www.livingagoodlifechurch.org

Living a Good life Church Inc. is registered as a religious nonprofit corporation in the State of Idaho, and is therefore considered tax-exempt under section 501 (c) 3.

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Members of Living a Good life Church do not engage in political activities as part of their official capacity as church members. Members speak for themselves as individuals.

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