Track Record of Fighting for Oregon Families & School Choice | Marc Thielman for Oregon Governor

2 years ago

The pandemic inadvertently pushed former superintendent, and candidate for Oregon governor, Marc Thielman further into the public, educational and policy forefront, as he safely opened for K-12 in-person instruction for the entire 2020-2021 school year, with zero cases traced back to the school as the source. He spoke out against lockdowns and kept his school open when other schools were closed across the state, saving hundreds of families from extreme hardship—including from youth suicide—as the public tragically witnessed stories shared across other regions throughout Oregon where schools were closed and families struggled.

This clear success created huge momentum among Oregon parents and communities to follow his lead and work to get more schools open and stop unnecessary harm to students and families. Marc took his success outside the Alsea School District by speaking truth to power and demanding that the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Department of Education and the governor’s office produce an objective measurement of the impact of government imposed shut down on students and families versus the impact of the virus on these students and families. The results of his advocacy contributed to the 'surprise' school reopening announcement by Governor Brown on December 23rd, 2020.

Marc is an effective voice for the voiceless—tirelessly demanding the science and transparency from state government agencies, and championing the struggle imposed by draconian and highly politicized policies, which have done unjustifiable harm to Oregon students, families, businesses and communities.Thousands of parents from across the state met Marc at the Oregon State Capitol in early 2019 when he was advocating alongside them to speak out against open discrimination through a mandatory v****** bill, House Bill 3063, that would have kicked about 60,000 kids out of Oregon schools!Marc was the only school superintendent to publicly speak out against HB 3063.

He was also the only superintendent to publicly testify against OHA’s permanent indoor mask mandates at both their public hearings on January 20th and 24th, 2022, and in January, the Marc and the Alsea School Board passed the first 'mask optional' local district resolution, allowing parents and students the right to decide.

He also directly supported the team of self-less Oregonians, headed by his campaign manager, to launch a call-to-action campaign with Stand for Health Freedom that generated 15,000 pieces of testimony against the OHA as they also quietly attempt to pave the way to mandate the CV v****** as a prerequisite for school and change the definition of immunity to be vaccine-induced-only and remove the scientific definition of natural from their definition.

"I have consistently taken on the full weight of governmental agencies like OHA, OSHA and ODE to protect parental rights and put kids first, as my track record shows, and I will continue to do so! Even Governor Brown tried to shut me down and smear me again at the start of this past school year and near the launch of my run to be your next governor, but we shared the truth and effectively called out her bullying and oppressive anti-parental rights policies.

"I have been involved at the grassroots level for years standing up for parental rights, school choice, and medical freedom—among other major issues plaguing our state—by effectively pushing back against the unchecked agencies and radical ideologies thrust upon us by the failed leadership of Governor Brown, the imbalanced supermajority choke-hold in our Oregon State Legislature, and unelected bureaucrats using their administrative power and bloated budgets to further remove our liberties and our right to pursue a safe and prosperous life.

"As Oregonians, we must unite and fight together on this battlefront and continue to seek out truth against government overreach and special interests. We have seen what this corporate-driven agenda wants to do. While other states and nations free their citizens from unconstitutional mandates and failed tyrannical policies, current Oregon leadership is doubling down.

"Today, I am asking for your generous support by helping me continue to expose the truth and take clear action. Help ensure I have a voice for all of Oregon, including our most vulnerable, our children, by pledging your name through a contribution to help me break through that barrier to debate on your behalf." - Marc Thielman

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