The Most Horrific Ghost Tales: Ambrose Bierce's "The Spook House"

2 years ago

#HWA #ambrosebierce #mosthorrificghosttale #ghosts

“This apartment was suffused with a faint greenish light, the source of which I could not determine, making everything distinctly visible, though nothing was sharply defined. Everything, I say, but in truth the only objects within the blank stone walls of that room were human corpses. In number they were perhaps eight or ten - it may well be understood that I did not truly count them. They were of different ages, or rather sizes, from infancy up, and of both sexes. All were prostrate on the floor, excepting one, apparently a young woman, who sat up, her back supported by an angle of the wall. A babe was clasped in the arms of another and older woman. A half-grown lad lay face downward across the legs of a full-bearded man. One or two were nearly naked, and the hand of a young girl held the fragment of a gown which she had torn open at the breast. The bodies were in various stages of decay, all greatly shrunken in face and figure. Some were but little more than skeletons."--Ambrose Bierce (The Spook House)

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Children of Horror,
Tonight, we travel to Carcosa to dig up the missing corpse of Ambrose Bierce for a series of tales sure to run the blood cold. We begin with The Spook House”.
To you, our growing Legion of Ghouls, devilishly devoted to horror may your souls always be!

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