Secular Humanism vs. Christianity-Sunday Message 3/20/22- MBC- Shane Bost

2 years ago

Christians are called to be citizens, not simply “subjects” within their societies. The prophet Jeremiah called the exiles to seek the welfare of the nation God sent them to (Jer 29:7). So Christians are to seek the welfare of the nation they find themselves in. This requires Christians to serve as citizens- citizens involved and participating in every aspect of society- not simply living as lazy, disinterested subjects.

There is a religious fight in America: Secular humanism vs. Christianity. How one understands God determines their entire worldview.

The Bible teaches that Righteousness Exalts a Nation, but Sin is Reproach to any people (Prov 13:34).

A country needs a common morality. However, morality is to be grounded in something. Morality ought to be grounded in righteousness. True righteousness is found in the Scriptures alone.

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