America in Terminal Decline While China , Russia and India are Rising

2 years ago

America in Terminal Decline While China , Russia and India are Rising
The Rise of Eurasia & The Decline of America and The West !!
Asian players are proving to be conceptually and bureaucratically better positioned in the 21st century’s Great Game that involves tectonic geopolitical shifts with the emergence of what commonly called the Eurasian continent which is the fusion of Europe and Asia into a “supercontinent.” While China and Russia solidify their economic and political alliance, the U.S. is missing an historic chance to join a multilateral world, instead clinging to military empire. Since Saudi Arabia, which mostly consists of flat desert with oil wells, spends more on "defense" than the entire 11 time zones of the nuclear power Russian Federation, it seems they are not spending particularly wisely. Putin dropped the hint about the Saudis acquiring the S-400 when asked point blank about the early Saturday major drone attack on the Aramco facilities, citing the need for Riyadh to protect its oil infrastructure., joking that Saudi Arabia should buy the same S-400 anti-missile defense system that Moscow already sold to Tehran ,amid the laughter of Iranian officials, including President Rouhani .

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