Retired Dentist & University of Iowa Medical Researcher Weigh In on "Over the Top" Covid-19 Response

2 years ago

Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 1:30 PM in the Des Moines, Iowa Capitol Representative Jon Jacobsen held a subcommittee meeting to discuss The Medical Privacy & Freedom Act HSB 647 in which citizens provided testimonies with their stories of injury, discrimination, coercion, and job loss as a result of mandates. Speakers traveled from across the state and were set to speak in the capitol until midnight or later. 34th District Democratic Representative Bruce Hunter became very upset with the incontestable testimonies that did not fall in line with his agenda and stormed off. Representative Jacobsen claimed he would continue taking testimonies in the capitol until morning if necessary; however, his plan fell short as people in opposition to the bill were disturbed by the indisputable testimonies and forced everyone to leave around 8 PM. Determined to provide everyone with a voice, Jon Jacobsen continued to take recorded testimonies at a bar down the street up until around 11:30 PM. The recorded testimonies from the bar were entered into the Iowa Capitol archives by February 18, 2022.

Research associate at University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine who researches hypertension and does surgeries on mice, Thomas Gerhold thanked everyone for their support for the Medical Freedom and Privacy Act.

Retired dentist Dr. Tom Jeneary comments that his son is still a dentist and that "the things that they had to do just to keep the door open...was..I thought over the top." Jeneary continues, "If you go in there, they appear to have hazmat suits on. They had to buy this huge machine that missed a disinfectant twice a day. So many things, I mean they clean up the operating room after every patient. Every hand piece is sterilized. All the instruments are cleaned first and then sterilized. They were double sterilizing them, but they had to... uh they could only do emergency treatment for several months. I don't know how they did it, but they did see emergency patients. You can't just close the door when someone has an emergency. Anyone in healthcare knows that. I felt it wasn't handled very well."

# No Mandates
# Anti-Vaccine
# Anti-Vax
# Vaccine Protest
# Hold The Line
# Freedom Fighter
# IA
# Nuremberg Code
# Medical Privacy & Freedom Act
# Iowa State Capitol

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