Ukraine's Trap, 2000 Ton Crude Ocean Spill & Deep-State's New 9/11 Plus...

2 years ago

One of the worlds most dangerous train journey's see's over 60 people killed. China and Russia own the richest blood diamond area in the world yet will not upgrade the local infrastructure with new technology; check out this clip from the locals.

Peru gets hit with a huge oil spill putting over 2500 fishermen out of work. Repsol under investigation in what would be Peru's largest environmental disaster. Was it an accident?

USA's mask mandate is lifted for public transportation. Biden looks to vito ASAP.

Zelenskyy continues his fund raising yet only gets a standing ovation.

Deep-State with Russia in collapsing the US economy.

How 14 thousand Syrian's together with US, Ukrainian, Canadian & British soldiers get wiped off the internet. Watch this clip of what is happening in Ukraine right now.



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