Spicy food effects on body [ is spicy food healthy]

2 years ago

Spicy food effects on body
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Spicy foods have been known to be good for health. Here are some benefits of adding spices to your food.

You may have always heard that spicy foods are good for you.
Like a good workout, spicy foods can make you sweat.

When we eat spicy food, we sense the spiciness, and heat as the active ingredient in peppers, capsaicin, which binds to a distinct class of receptors in our mouths called VR1 receptors.

The 6 Benefits of Spicy Foods with Capsaicin
🌶️Increases metabolism
Spicy foods have been shown to increase metabolism and reduce body weight without negative side effects.
🌶️Control your appetite
Capsaicin plays a critical role in humans and has multiple benefits for metabolic health, especially for weight loss in obese individuals.
🌶️Improve heart health
By helping break down the fats in foods, spices may boost heart health.
may reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes.
🌶️Reduces chronic pain and inflammation
The release of endorphins caused by capsaicin binding to the gut reduces chronic pain, triggering desensitization of pain receptors
🌶️Reduce inflammation
Hot-and-spicy dishes might also reduce inflammation.
🌶️It fights infection and is antimicrobial and antiviral
Capsaicin has been shown to decrease the cell invasiveness of microbes

🌶️ is too much spicy food bad for you 🌶️-
🌶️If you have stomach ulcers, gallbladder issues, rosacea, or similar conditions, you may want to greatly reduce or eliminate spicy food consumption.🌶️

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Spicy food effects on body

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