Last night in Sweden Part 1

2 years ago

Ukrainian women's night of terror - Somali broke into the shelter: 'I'm so scared I want to go home. Thousands of Ukrainian women and children have fled to Sweden in recent weeks. Now Samnytt is the first media to report that some of them, who fled to Örebro, want to return to the war in Ukraine. The reason is that, after an incident during the week when foreign men entered their accommodation, they do not feel safe.
- When bombs come, at least I know I can go down to the basement and hide there," says one of the women. Busloads of Ukrainian refugee women with children have arrived in Örebro in recent weeks. Several of them have been offered beds at the Örebro City Hostel. But the Ukrainians do not feel safe at the hostel. The background is some incidents last night when a number of unknown men, on several occasions, tried to get into the women's homes. Samnytt has been in contact with a woman who we have been able to confirm works as a volunteer with the Ukrainian women in Örebro. However, she does not want us to print her name. The volunteer has spoken to several of the women at the hostel, and through this Samnytt has managed to form a picture of what happened on Saturday night. The first incident occurred at around three in the morning. Two Somali men started knocking on the hostel's front door. A Ukrainian refugee woman, who knows English, tried to talk to the men to ask what they wanted.
She explained to them that only women live there. But they claimed to have a friend at the hostel," the volunteer says. The Ukrainians asked what the friend's name was, and quickly found out that no such person lives at the hostel. But the men did not give in. After a while, a third Somali man appeared outside the hostel. The women found the situation uncomfortable and went into their rooms and locked themselves in.
In an unclear way, one or more of the Somali men then managed to get into the hostel.
- They started knocking on the door of a woman who lives with her two young children, aged two and four. They were terrified. The four-year-old was quiet, but the two-year-old was screaming," says the volunteer. - They tried to get in to see her. The men were speaking in a foreign language. She, who lives in the room, doesn't speak English, but recognises English and understood that the men were speaking in another language.
Instead, at around 5am, a group of Arab men came and tried to enter the hostel.
- However, they did not manage to get into the hostel, the volunteer says.
- I have spoken to the women. They are scared. The fact that a group of men tried to enter the hostel is confirmed by a staff member Samnytt spoke to. However, the hostel is trying to downplay the incident. - Someone knocked on the door and wanted to find a place to stay for the night. They were trying to find a place to stay, says the employee.
In the middle of the night? - I haven't spoken to the people who knocked on the door.
The hostel has now deployed security guards to keep an eye on things. They have also informed the Ukrainian refugees that they can either contact the hostel staff or call the police on 112 if they feel unsafe.
Ola Olsson is the officer in charge of the police in Örebro. He tells Samnytt that he does not know anything about the incident at the hostel on Monday night. According to the volunteer Samnytt spoke to, there is an explanation for it. The Ukrainian women did not dare to call the police because they were afraid of getting into trouble.
- The interpreter told them not to call the police, because they are not registered with the Migration Board yet, the volunteer said. According to the volunteer, several of the women are so shaken by the events of Monday night that they regret fleeing to Sweden. Some even wish they had stayed in war-torn Ukraine.

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