Dual-Covenant: Back Door for the Jews (Part 2) - John Hagee's Apostasy

2 years ago

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This sermon was preached on 11/27/11 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, FL. This is the second of two messages in the sermon series titled "John Hagee's Apostasy". Bible text: Romans
; 1 John
-23. The Apostle Paul said clearly in Romans
, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."

Apparently the well-known pseudo-Christian televangelist John Hagee IS ashamed of the gospel of Christ, because under the deceptive guise of a defender of Israel and fighter of anti-Semitism, Hagee has gone way off the hyper-dispensational deep end to concoct and promote a false gospel of dual-covenantalism whereby he says the Lord Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah of Israel (i.e., that Jesus is not the Christ!), and further that we need not waste time preaching the gospel to the Jews because they have a separate covenant with God, do not need to believe in Jesus and can still be saved by keeping the Old Testament law.

This two-part message refutes Hagee's blatantly antichrist, satanic apostasy that is diametrically opposed to clear New Testament teaching and to the fundamental declaration defining the Christian faith, that Jesus IS the Christ, and further explains why Hagee's false gospel, that leaves unbelieving Jews to go on their merry way to an eternity in hell, is in fact far more anti-Semitic than anything Hitler ever did to the Jews!
[Note: due to technical error the conclusion of this message did not record properly, but will be re-recorded and edited in soon]


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