Scofield's Heretical System

2 years ago

A message by Pastor Sam Adams on his radio show "True Gospel Broadcast" (No. 3) on 11/30/13. This is the first of six messages in the series "Heresies of C.I. Scofield."
(WHR Shortwave freq. 7.385, or, Saturdays 7 pm)

Since 1909 the Scofield Reference Bible has enjoyed great popularity, even adopted by many fundamental churches as their "pew Bible." While some have set out to expose the serious heresies therein, including perversion of the gospel, multiple modes of salvation in various ages, and dismissal of Christ's teachings as irrelevant to the church, they did so from a preterist viewpoint that was as flawed as Scofield's. This series of messages refutes Scofield's doctrines from a balanced premillennial perspective to correct the hyper-dispensational brand of premillennialism that Scofield popularized.

Beyond his insertion into the prophetic timeline of a major event taught nowhere in scripture (pretrib rapture of the church), Scofield introduced a perverted view of the message and ministry of the Lord Jesus, in effect propagating the same lie taught by Islam that Christ's teachings were for His time and His Jewish audience alone. He introduced false views of law and grace, of the church and its mission, and of Christ's kingdom, making unjustified distinction between the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven, to teach that the Lord Jesus and Paul preached different gospels.

This series of messages will refute these and other heresies, beginning here in Part 1 with a summary and analysis of the foundation for Scofield's heresies: his schismatic division and compartmentalization of the Bible in the extreme into 7 separate dispensations, failing to see the Bible as it is: a unified, organic statement of God's will for mankind.

[Editted from original sermon of 10/14/2012 for radio time]

Sermon Audio Page:


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