OTXNT 50: Worship Music, Part 5 (The Sinner's Prayer)

2 years ago

Old Testament-Christ-New Testament: Worship (pt. 5) - The Sinner's Prayer. Should we employ a "sinner's prayer" in our worship or evangelism ministries? Could the Sinner's Prayer be misused and give people a false sense of security? In this episode, Dr. Andrew Marquez and Dr. Ben Pate continue their discussion on worship. Many services utilize a form of the sinner's prayer to call people to respond. Some accuse the use of a sinner's prayer as a form of manipulation. Others see the prayer as communicating "magic words" or an incantation. Despite these pitfalls, the Sinner's Prayer can be a useful tool for leading people to Christ. It helps Christians to have confidence in their witness. It can also show converts the contents and the demands of the Gospel as they count the cost.

Dr. Andrew Marquez is Director/Dean of Wayland Baptist University's Arizona Campuses (www.wbu.edu/arizona) and Executive Pastor of North Swan Baptist Church (www.northswanbaptist.com).

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