To the Saints in Pakistan. Part 5. Romans 3:1-20

2 years ago

In this section of Romans, having set the stage masterfully through a reflection on the propriety of the Law, human culture, and conscience in many facets with both Jews and Gentiles, Paul begins to introduce the equalizing Gospel of Jesus Christ. The law of faith is soon brought to bear. When we come together next time, Lord-willing on 2 Apr, we will truly see the Gospel set forth like a diamond spotlighted on black felt. It is all good news (including the Law) to those not perishing. When the Holy Spirit uses the Law to instruct the soul, that soul is well educated in the doctrines of grace, righteousness, and love that flow from Calvary. More than the rivers from Eden, Calvary’s rivers flow to all four corners of the earth. Since the first century, the Law brings people to Jesus to be justified by him by faith alone.

This message is also available in audio format:

We had some internet problems today, but we got through okay.

Blessings as you watch or listen!

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