Canadian Charter of Rights Violations Against My Daughter

2 years ago

Dec 31/ 20 Very talented creative alternative learnier Kittie-Angelina Stevens only a few months shy of 16 was forced by police and Child Protection Services 108 Garland Nova Scotia into detainment. She was the put through a horrifying ordeal that stripped her of every human right possible. She was repeatedly sexually assaulted and threatened and moved all around week after week one location to another. She was not allowed contact with the outside world at all . No contact with me she every chance she got snuck out and begged me to get police one officer by the name of Nancy Miller told us both we could reach out to her anytime. I called her repeatly on my daughters behalf.She never returned our calls She was subpoenaed to court but 7 lawyers all removed evidence and stripped this beautiful extremely smart and shy innocent teen of her human rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights. I have not seen her since April 13 2021 and neither has anyone I know. I believe this happened to her as a result of Dartmouth Police tampering with police files and on purpose targeting myself and my daughter along with Child Protection Services and members of various cults and gangs operating in Nova Scotia and beyond. On April 21, 2020 I received a text from Daniel Miller saying he felt he was going to kill people. I knew him previously and knew him to be dangerous and as a result answering his text and trying to get help for him I ended up being declared mental paranoid and a danger to the public although I have not been given any paperwork only told this over and over. Mcmht called me over 40 times and police refused any calls for help from myself or my daughter. As far as I know Daniel Miller did not get one call by police or rcmp or mcmht. I have no history of mental illness but documents suddenly appeared from Child Protection Services saying I do and that I am known to call on people just to get them in trouble. Nice try train wreck called Nova Scotia.

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