Donald Trump a Jesuit & Ted Cruz a Liar? - Politics & Religion

2 years ago

WARNING: We encourage thoughtful and sincere theological dialogue, debate and discussion; however ALL disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate comments hostile to this message are subject to removal.
This sermon was preached on 3/13/16 by Pastor Sam Adams at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. Bible text: Philippians
and Colossians
-13. The U.S. Presidential election this time around appears to be a charade and a huge joke, with NO ONE in the running worth voting for -- which may well be part of the globalists' plan...

This message reveals the dishonesty, globalist ties and war agenda of both Donald Trump, who is certainly not the outsider he pretends to be - and of Ted Cruz, a neo-con Bush by another name - who certainly does not appear to be the Christian he claims to be.


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