Matt Robertson From Rollerblades to the Elites!

3 years ago

I had the opportunity at Bassmaster Classic LII to interview Matt Robertson about how he got into fishing. Turns out Matt spent the first ten years of his life in San Diego, California and had the chance to fish some of the lakes down there before moving to Kentucky.

His first bass was caught at the famed Lake Miramar, where in 1973 David Zimmerlee caught the first documented bass over 20 pounds. But, in his words, that fish didn’t shape his life. Fishing, as he said, was just something he did growing up.

In Kentucky, at 11 years old, Matt would watch his grandfather and cousin go fish the Lake Malone Bass Club events and he wanted to fish. So, his grandmother, who was an angler herself, said she’d fish with him. In his first tournament with his grandmother, he caught a smallmouth and thought he was king of the world.

Robertson then goes on to talk about how he developed his skills fishing the Lake Malone Bass Club, the toughest club in the area, and how that competition helped him develop his confidence. He credits the Club and his early success in the Bassmaster Opens with getting him into the Elites.

For the full story, click the link below to hear Matt talk about his path to the Elites.


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