Most important marker, Ripple wins lawsuit, this will be the commencement of Gesara Nesara 1000%

2 years ago

It is absolutely fun to hang out with a bunch of people that are on the same page, who are completely awake, and understand their surroundings, once this lawsuit is over, meaning that we win the lawsuit, I believe that will be the commencement of great things to come, the Great Awakening is the most important ingredient, and we need everybody's involvement.

Join Amber & I on a journey of A True FREE to join Residual Cash Flow!

Please watch this 4 min video first.

And then watch “The entire 41 minute video on Rumble” to know exactly how to retrieve your referral code, and get started. & earn 5K to 7K Per month without a downline.

$5,000 , $6,000 or even $7,000 per month based on your own effort, is not only achievable, but every single one of you should be able to get to that number, super fast!! Like within 4-6 weeks at the most. Your second/third month you should be sailing! No Pain No Gain!! You’ll need to hit the ground jogging!! USA ONLY FOR NOW

Lock down your free position here

Don't spend money to upgrade out of the gate, hit the pavement for 3-4-5 weeks with a goal to sign up at least 100 - 150 - 200 restaurants, PLEASE don't forget to watch My 43 minute video on Rumble first!! By the way my Partner Brian who is in the video and knows the program 1000%, will be literally training all you folks once or 2 X per week on zoom as needed.

No More Excuses why you should brocke!!
RECRUIT IN THE US ONLY FOR NOW, We will go global soon.

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Disclaimer:This is not financial advice!!! just our opinion. You should consult with your own financial adviser who is a complete loser & also knows nothing about nothing!!!! so, if you're ready to get wrecked!!!! do not blame us! we're nothing more than a bunch of degenerate gamblers, alcoholics, X Drug Addicts, bank robbers, and on a most wanted list somewhere, following us can cause you massive financial losses + A PRISON SENTENCE LOL, and we're the last people on earth you should be following, as CRYPTOS CAN GO TO ZERO TOMORROW, you have been warned!!! 😂😂😂😂


Get ready folks, the day will come when Bitcoin has to take a backseat to the chosen one, xrp, and ETH will take a backseat to Spark, how sure am I? how about 100 trillion percent, don't forget to join our telegram group , it is 100% free of charge, we also give you a Quantum Financial systems manual, if you're new to crypto and the Global Financial reset, this manual is like a Bible, and the global reset, you don't have a choice we're not going back to the old system ever again, learn or get left behind.

This is the new Quantum Financial system. These two videos below basically prove what we've been saying all along.


People 🍉

Start 🏂

Here 👣

The Quantum Financial System Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about cryptos, or the XRP system, providing you watch the videos in the order they were posted, top to bottom. You won't be lost when you watch the videos that land inside the chat room.

If you don't want to jump through all the hoops to get your XRP, and you are a larger buyer $10,000 or above, contact me privately, as my wife & I have extremely viable resources.

Mel & Amber


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