Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Strange Squadmate Animations Glitch Citadel DLC

2 years ago

We could really use some help!

When models are scripted to perform certain actions - they are different than live characters - and so when they are "interrupted" they play whatever animation relates to that situation - so for example if they're interrupted by having 0 life - they'll go through their death animation - however if they aren't supposed to die - the original script may break and result in resetting - which leads to chad T-Pose, a funny looking corpse or just disappearing entirely.

Mass Effect is at times like throwing the cast of a stereotypical sitcom into a massive space war with devil machines that eradicate all life every few thousand years - but then in the middle of all that the cast is just put on the ground of some colorful but barren alien planet 3-at-a-time to pew pew at a few robots.

However the reason for its greatness is that it somehow balances the more unbelievable and cheesy elements of its characters with the grander story themes and (especially in ME2/3) the very tight cover based gameplay.

It also strikes a surprisingly satisfying balance between an obvious and opera like main story that you're dragged through kicking and screaming and nuanced sub-plots and even some mystery such as in ME1 with the story of Banes.

Btw Wrex is best waifu don't @ me

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