Men In Women's Sports Is An Attack On Women — Tony Katz Today Podcast

2 years ago

On This Episode:

Dr Fauci says to get ready for another round of boosters. Are you ready for another round of lockdowns?

A fourth-grade teacher explaining her transgenderism to her students is not education, it is indoctrination.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on the conversation about American oil production and took the progressives to task on their anti-oil legislation.

The latest on the Walmart distribution center fire in Plainfield and the second fire today in Brownsburg.

Major Mike Lyons joins us to discuss the state of the Russian military and America’s policy on Ukraine intervention.

Jack Dorsey is a criminal. Twitter interfered in the 2020 Election. The New York Times spread misinformation to influence the 2020 election. How can American’s make their own decisions if we are not given information?

The Big Story:

Lia Thomas, a man, placed first in NCAA Women’s swimming. A man was on the USA Today Women of The Year list. Women were denied the opportunity for victory because men have intruded on the arena.

Are we going to let men take away opportunities for women? This destruction of notoriety for women should be considered violence against women. It is an abuse towards women. We cannot sit idly by and allow it to continue.

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