Best GTA First Person Controls for GTA V, GTA Online, & GTA Expanded & Enchanced | GTA V

2 years ago

These are the settings I've been using for years to play GTA in first person.
I personally think GTA V/ GTA Online is one of the best first person experiences in games. And with the Expanded & Enhanced version releasing, it's time to finally drop a First Person Controls tutorial.

Controls Settings:
-First Person Control Type, Standard FPS. this will make it to where you no longer mash “A” to run, just click the left stick. “A” becomes crouch.
-First Person Look-Around Sensitivity, all the way to the right.
-First Person Aiming Sensitivity, all the way to the right.
It won’t be as fast as you think, but you can always adjust these later.
-First Person Aim / Look Deadzone, all the way to the left.
This makes it to where as soon as you move the stick it is registered.
-First Person Aim / Look Acceleration, all the way to the right.
This controls how long it takes to go from 0 to 100 and this change makes it almost instant.
Camera settings:
-Allow Independent Camera Modes, On
This allows for different camera modes between vehicles and on foot.
-First Person Auto Level Camera, Off
This prevents your camera from snapping to a center position without your input.
-First Person On Foot Field of View, all the way to the right
This adjusts how wide your field of view is.
-First Person Head Bobbing, Off
Even with this off your character is going to head bob.
-First Person Vehicle Auto-Center, Off
This prevents your camera from snapping to center without your input
-First Person Driveby Camera Relative to Vehicle, Off.
This separates your gun aiming from vehicle steering.

Thank you for checking out my video. Hopefully you enjoyed it. If you have any comments, criticisms, or requests feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
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My Setup
Xbox Series X + HyperX Headset + CAD U37 Mic + AVerMedia LGP Lite + Shitty PC + OBS Studio + Cali Smoke

Here is a list of the games I own. If you would like to see content on them, let me know.

Grand Theft Auto V Online - Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2 - Kingdom Come Deliverance - Cities: Skylines - Deep Rock Galactic - Dying Light - Elite: Dangerous - World of Warships - Dirt Rally 2.0 - Wreckfest - The Long Dark - We Happy Few - Minecraft - Stardew Valley - Space Engineers - Stranded Deep - Green Hell - Cuphead - Far Cry - Enlisted - Elden Ring - Microsoft Flight Sim

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