“Let Them Eat Cake,” said Crooked Hillary to the American Working Class

2 years ago

I cannot condone what Russia is doing to Ukraine. Believe me, I do know the value of human lives. I have seen enough deaths and have mourned enough lost to understand the gravity of the situation. However, Ukraine has become the battleground of a proxy war for world domination between the United States and Russia.
This has nothing to do with the sovereignty of Ukraine but actually, it is about the pettiness, and spitefulness of a she-devil who refuses to acknowledge that no one would have ever allow her to be in a position of executive power in the United States.
This she-devil called us “ Super Predators .” she stole the Haitians' 2010 earthquake $5 billion of donation. She stole our gold mines and stole our right to ever repair our country. That is the woman who stands today in the committee to sanction Russia, all because of an unproven Russiagate conspiracy. President Vladimir Putin didn’t steal your presidency, Hillary Clinton. You robbed yourself of your own morals and dignity for the American people to ever put their trust in you.

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