Dr Simone Bahou Ascension; Me vs You, #1

3 years ago

This video depicts how we as a people on earth unknown to ourselves engage in personal suffering and war as a means to keep separation politically for control, religiously because my religion is better than yours, competitively in sports because my team is better than yours as well as in war because I am right, and you are wrong. All you have to do is watch the news and see how the media fights unknown to itself because it is what we/they do. This only perpetuates personal suffering and war which is what we need to aspire beyond to create heaven on earth and put an end to the destruction before it's too late. My book Ascension illustrates how to do this. Copy and paste in your browser the following link to obtain your own copy: https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/189058-Ascension

Ascension in this context means, “To aspire beyond the egotistical survival energy of significance or insignificance as it relates to difference or indifference, or more simply stated me vs. you. When you aspire beyond me vs. you, you find the energy of me and you which is of essence which is purpose and effervescence which is love. It is from this perspective of life that the 10 Commandments are no longer lofty, like easing into a warm bath, they just feel good. Keep in mind that the 10 Commandments are guidelines to live within the parameters of the game of Me vs. is like taking the Red pill ala the Matrix to open awareness vs. the Blue pill which leaves you oblivious as to what is really happening in the world and is an excuse, and shear laziness from confusion ala “I don’t know what to do?” It is time to man or woman up and take responsibility for your actions because this is the only way to stop the madness. It really is that simple and much closer to home than we understand and know. It’s not time to woke up, it’s time to wake up!!!

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