Green Home Systems Managing Director, Robbie Hebert, Offers a Solution to Soaring Gas Price Dilemma

2 years ago

It’s no secret that gas prices are soaring nationwide and show no signs of slowing down, especially in large cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. The astronomical prices are certain to push consumers into the arms of EVs, a fantastic alternative to traditional gas-guzzling vehicles. But unless consumers also take the proper measures with their homes, the savings from switching to an electric car could easily be offset by a soaring home electric bill or unreliable electricity provided by the utility companies.

Last year, we witnessed extreme outages across Texas leaving millions (about 4.5 million homes to be exact) without power. Other states like California also experience widespread outages. In fact, California has had outages yearly for the past four years due to shaky, unreliable power from utility companies. Now what happens when those people who decided to buy an electric vehicle to offset the drastic increase in gasoline prices are no longer able to power their cars? In the highly likely scenario that utility companies either decide to periodically shut off power or are unable to provide power due to weather conditions, homeowners could be stranded with no means of leaving the house until their homes regain power to charge their vehicles.

So what is the solution? Solar energy.

Solar energy is currently the only reliable source of renewable energy that is easily made into individual systems for homes and businesses. The key benefit here is that owning a solar energy system allows homeowners to have batteries to store power and rely on only the sun for their energy needs should the grid go down. And with technology so rapidly progressing, solar is becoming even more reliable and cheaper everyday.

We sat down with Managing Director of Green Home Systems, Robbie Hebert, and asked him his thoughts on rising gas prices and why he believes GHS can combat them.


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