The Live News Disruption Mainstream Media's NOT Showing You!

2 years ago

This disruption was on a Live Ukrainian Newscast, however our entire American/Western Corporate [FAKE] News will NOT cover this as it's in opposition to their False Narrative..

You must understand that our Corrupt MSM, both 'Left and Right', are only covering the tiny bits and pieces of a one-sided story, intentionally portraying an entirely false narrative, a total deception, misleading the American Citizens down this path where America's NOT at fault for this mess, Zelinsky's some Freedom-Fighting, Pro-Democracy, People's Champ, Evil Murderer Putin's 100% to blame, on a warpath seizing Ukraine's land to resurrect Mother Russia and anything contrary to that is 'Russian Disinformation' and you're guilty of 'TREASON'.

That's about the most ridiculous story i've ever heard, but just like the past two years of Covid1984 Plandemic, you're being lied to.

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