Charity Status Revoked - Ron DeSantis

2 years ago

Canada PM Trudeau Removes Charitable Access For Women Out Of ‘Love’ For Them

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reportedly removed charitable funding for women in crisis out of his advocacy for women's rights, according to Vote Family, an organization providing "unbiased" information on the stance of political parties in relation to family issues and concerns.

"'Feminist' Justin Trudeau values women so much that he will revoke charitable status from pregnancy resource centers which help pregnant women in desperate and vulnerable situations," Vote Family President Mattea Merta retorted in Twitter on September 2.

"Feminist" Justin Trudeau values women so much that he will revoke charitable status from pregnancy resource centers which help pregnant women in desperate and vulnerable situations.

— Mattea Merta (@MatteaMerta) September 2, 2021

Canadian Liberals Support Only One Choice: Abortion

So, we’re back with basically the same Parliament we had before, give or take a handful of individuals. While this election result felt like a collective shrug of Canadian shoulders, there were some big, bad promises made that we need to keep an eye on post-election. While Trudeau campaigned on a promise of Forward. Together. some people aren’t included in his vision of togetherness. Included in those left behind are women and pre-born children.

This election, the Liberal party added a few pro-abortion lines to their party platform. They promised to not only strong-arm provinces into funding abortions (a direct swipe at New Brunswick), but also to remove charitable status from pro-life organizations.

Justin Trudeau’s fascist war against Canadians

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” 18th century philosopher Edmund Burke.

Justin Trudeau is behaving like a fascist, while calling the truckers fascists.

Fascism is not an ideology or political strategy but a societal pathology; it is social warfare. Fascism and bullying promote fear and with enough fear people are silenced into submission, giving up their freedom.

'Fascist Psychopath': Justin Trudeau Calls the Unvaccinated 'Racist and Misogynistic Extremists'

Trudeau further bashed anyone unvaccinated, smearing them as “science deniers.”

DeSantis slams 'false' media claims about bill to ban teaching gender ideology to kids

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has responded to criticism of a bill that would ban schools from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with students in third grade and younger, contending that the media and the legislation’s opponents are spreading “false narratives.”

At the Florida Strawberry Festival in Plant City Monday, the Republican governor responded to a question from WFLA reporter Evan Donovan about HR 1557, “an act relating to parental rights in education.”

Pedophiles Now Officially Part Of The LGBT Movement

For years now, we’ve been telling you that eventually the ever-growing alphabet soup that is the LGBTQ Movement would, at some point, have to add a ‘P’ to their acronym. The letter ‘P’ of course standing for pedophile. Why is this inevitable? Because of their motto, ‘all love is love‘. Logical thinking people say otherwise.

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