They are putting human flesh in the food supply - A video by my 11 year old cousin kevin

2 years ago

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March 12th, 2022.
Adam Bomb
if my autistic cousin can figure this out... why can't you all?
I want to let you in on a little secret...
Did you know they are putting human flesh in the food supply right now? Most of you are going to laugh and immediately think I am crazy for saying this but before you turn off this video - how about you just sit right there and listen for a few minutes and I am going to give you some "food for thought" and maybe break a little of the programming that has you all hypnotized and living like worker bee automatons.
Have you noticed how weird people in Hollywood are now? Here we see Lady Gaga at a party where they are dining on a corpse shaped cake inside a coffin. While this is (probably) not a real human being - this is definitely an "inside joke" aimed at the dumb, un-thinking masses who are oblivious to the fact that the world is literally under the control of a cult of satan worshipping pedophile cannibals that hide under a variety of names such as the freemasons, rosicrucians, independant order of odd fellows, etceter etcetera... regardless of whatever name they are hiding behind - the fact remains that they are nothing more than a satanic cult that worships a demon as God and is working to enslave the entire planet while you are all blisffuly oblivious to what is happening.
I know, I know you naysayers are already getting ready to type "take your meds" at this point because there is no "absolute proof" that this is happening and you are right - there is no "solid evidence" out there because the people that "create" solid evidence are part of this cannibal cult of pedophile puppeteers and the last thing they are going to do is provide you with the evidence needed to stop them. However, there are a few of them that are so convinced of their own superiority and status as being "above the law" that they will come right out and admit to their misdeeds. Case in point - here we see Armie Hammer, great grandson of the of the Russian oil oligarch and Freemason Armand Hammer (who I might add had VERY close ties to Lenin and Communist Russia) admiting that he is a total pervert and "100% cannibal".
If you are familiar with my content - you know that I am always flying off the handle about there being an army of demonic entities here on earth and that they have their origins in the Book of Enoch and as insane as it all sounds - it is all, unfortunately true.
Pedophilia/Child Trafficking playlist.

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“A little birdie told me” Wink! Wink!

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