More of them Arabians we couldn't catch smh lol

3 years ago

More of these crazy Arabian horses we couldn't hardly ever catch. And I'm a horseman of 40+ years. The one horse with 4 white legs, she got loose from me and ran straight into a fence post and ripped her chest open so bad you could see her heart in the opening. It took like 150 stitches to close it up then she ripped them open again. Good thing about that though, with the help of a good friend of mine we got it healed up and you would never even know it happened if you didn't see it when she got hurt. it was AMAZING how well she healed up. As a horseman of 40+ years I never seen a wound heal like that one did!! honestly though, that horse was a SUPER FREAK, NOONE could hold onto her at all. We took her to another place and the guy there said OH, I will take care of her, as soon as he got her off the van, BOOM!! She took off and got away from him!! One thing about horses= Never Say Never!! But I did tell him that she would get away and even offered him a bet he didn't take me up on lol

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