The Approaching War

3 years ago

The Approaching War

There is a clash of cultures, spiritually and naturally that is painfully being manifested and seen in the current global human crisis.

There are voices from various streams who have been sensing the approaching wars. Over the past few weeks, I shared with our team that I’ve been processing the question, “Are you ready for war…are you ready for a World War.”

Recently, at a midweek prayer service that happened to be on evening that Purim began, I strongly sensed to declare, “We will either war on our knees or find ourselves in war.”

Purim 2022 began at sunset, March 16th and ended at sundown, Thursday March 17th. Purim is a time to celebrate Mordecai & Esther, and the reversal of Haman's death decree that took place approximately 2,500 years ago, around 479 B.C. Like in the days of Esther, there is a spirit of Haman rising today. We need modern day Esther's & Mordecai's to arise! A whole generation is at stake.

Join me in crying out to the Lord for Breakthrough and Revival. Let us war on our knees!

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