Have Not

3 years ago

We can focus on all the “have nots” and go off on a bunny trail of fret, displeasure and grumbling. “Have Nots” are temporary, yet we do “have a Have” which is permanent. Our “Have” is Jesus. In the midst of all the “have nots” we seem to be focused on more and more in this life season of cultural chaos, we “have a HAVE”, He is a Way-Maker, He is a Provider, He loves us well. There is nothing that God can’t do for us, there is nothing He can’t provide us, there is nothing that He doesn’t know. That is the coolest thing about our God. Sometimes we have no clue about the direction of even our next step. GOD KNOWS! There is no clarity in times such as these, deception is a fog in our culture. It is hard to know the next right step and sometimes our “have not” is the chart for our course. Yet, we do HAVE the best Navigator in the universe, God’s Holy Spirit. When you don’t know, ask God! Jesus is our “Have” that trumps every single “have not” that we can think to complain about. So why even grumble, why not just pray and ask God for what we need and wait, watch and see Him deliver in that way only He can. We may not like God’s methods that bring us down narrow paths full of the prickers of “have not”, but in the heavenly hindsight of our lives, all of the plans we have made that have been thwarted by God, He has done a better thing for us than we could even begin to hope for or imagine. God changes things up. Our God is a “crazy good” Navigator, and He can chart our course through all the “have nots” right out of the cultural chaos, into smooth shalom sailing. He is so good at disrupting the enemy’s chaos that flows in with our “have nots” and bring about a purposeful, amazing end game for us. Yes, despite all of our “have nots” we HAVE the greatest and most amazing Awe-GOD Redeemer, Who has taken the “have not” of life, death, and transformed it into the HAVE of eternal life. There is no “have not” that will prosper, in our lives as we trust Him to change it up to a HAVE all things in Christ, the hope of glory. God bless ya. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/nothing-is-to-difficult-for-thee/

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