Our Lady of Fatima and the Consecration of Russia...His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...

2 years ago

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Patrick, Bishop, Confessor - 17 March 2022 AD...

Our Lady of Fatima and the Consecration of Russia - Apostolic Document of the Holy Apostolic See on the subject of the present time heretical and absolutely invalid attempt of the APOSTATE Novus Ordo pro-communist Sect of the layman impostor to the Papacy Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to consecrate the still KGB Communist run Russia to the Immaculate Heart of our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Maria, as She by Divine Will of God requested in 1917 AD in the village of Fatima in Portugal, during Her apparition (Church approved) to 3 little children, with all the necessary conditions imposed by Heaven for this consecration to be accepted and Russia's conversion instantly supernaturally performed by God, and that this attempt of this Novus Ordo Sect must be fully rejected as it is absolutely heretical (no true dignity of Papacy, invalid and thus NULL Episcopate and null Priesthood, lack of jurisdiction and authority, lack of valid clerical office and membership in the true Catholic Church), and therefore this true Apostolic See through the true Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, fully condemns such heretical, intentionally deceptive and pro-communist sacrilegious mockery of God, which, and it seems to be the case, is about to be accomplished by these apostate enemies of the Catholic Church, this horrible sacrilegious Novus Ordo Sect of laymen pretenders, which Sect had by design stolen the worldwide Catholic Church property, including the Vatican, and is using it for this heretical invalid and thus highly abominable purposes, and that this attempt to “consecrate” the still communist controlled Russia will only bring upon the whole world Divine wrath of never seen magnitude...


EMAIL : thetrueholysee@gmail.com

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