Mind Augmentation

7 years ago

A look at methods and concerns for augmenting the human mind.
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Today we will be looking at Mind Augmentation, the basic concepts, methods, ethical concerns, and possible pitfalls entailed.

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Cover Art by Jakub Grygier: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jakub_grygier

Graphics Team:
Edward Nardella
Jarred Eagley
Justin Dixon
Katie Byrne
Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios: www.maficstudios.com
Misho Yordanov
Pierre Demet
Sergio Botero: https://www.artstation.com/sboterod?fref=gc
Stefan Blandin

Script Editing:
Andy Popescu
Connor Hogan
Edward Nardella
Eustratius Graham
Gregory Leal
Jefferson Eagley
Luca de Rosa
Mark Warburton
Michael Gusevsky
Mitch Armstrong
Naomi Kern
Philip Baldock
Sigmund Kopperud
Steve Cardon
Tiffany Penner

AJ Prasad, "Cold Shadows"
Lee Rosevere, "It's such a beautiful day"
Kai Engel, "Morbid Imagination"
Sergey Cheremisinov, "Jump in Infinity"
Markus Junnikkala, "A Memory of Earth"
Kai Engel, "Crying Earth"
Sergey Cheremisinov, "Labyrinth"
Brandon Liew, "Into the Storm"

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