Exodus Fleet

6 years ago

A continued look at Generation Ships and Interstellar Colonization.
Check out Cheddar's video on the Sun: https://chdr.tv/youtue6886
In order to colonize the galaxy, we are going to have to spend huge times on board equally huge spaceships. To move thousands of people, and our ecosystem, to distant planets, will require not only giant ark-like starships, but entire fleets of them. Today we will examine how we could do this even if physics never offers us any superior methods in the future for covering the void of interstellar space faster.

Fringe FM Link: http://fringe.fm/20-isaac-arthur-on-colonizing-space-the-fermi-paradox-and-future-of-genetic-engineering/

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Upward Bound: Power Satellites
Episode 145, Season 4 E31

Isaac Arthur

A.T. Long
Darius Said
Derek Hightower
Evan Schultheis
Gregory Leal
Keith Blockus
Mark Warburton
Sigmund Kopperud

Isaac Arthur

Cover Artist
Jakub Grygier

Graphics Team
Fishy Tree
Gateway Foundation
Jarred Eagley
Jeremy Jozwik
Kristijan Tavcar
Kris Holland of Mafic Studios
LegionTech Studios
Sam McNamara of Rapid Thrash
Sergio Botero

Isaac Arthur

Music Manager:
Luca de Rosa

NJ Mandaville, "A Long Way Still to Go" https://soundcloud.com/nj-mandaville
Stellardrone, "The Edge of Forever" https://stellardrone.bandcamp.com
Kai Engel, "Endless Story About Sun and Moon" https://www.kai-engel.com/
Chris Zabriskie, "Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To" http://chriszabriskie.com
Aerium ft. Sieger, "Deiljocht" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRnUJY3l5vIJFGsY3XvW4dQ
Lombus, "Goldilocks Analemma" https://lombus.bandcamp.com
Sergey Cheremisinov, "Naive" https://www.s-cheremisinov.com
Ayreon, "Theory of Everything" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCihO6uVisilu1mn4x2u-HOA

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