Upward Bound: Space Farming

6 years ago

Could we grow our foods in the heavens rather than on the earth?
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In order to do serious exploration and colonization of space, we will need a source of food beyond Earth. But can we go beyond simply small hydroponic gardens to entire vast space farms in orbit of our planet, and could those farming on satellites and space stations eventually replace earth-based agriculture as our main food source at home?

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Episode's Narration-only version: https://soundcloud.com/isaac-arthur-148927746/space-farming-narration-only

Upward Bound: Space Farming
Episode 148, Season 4 E34

Isaac Arthur

A.T. Long
Darius Said
Keith Blockus
Mark Warburton
Matthew Acker
Sigmund Kopperud

Isaac Arthur

Cover Artist
Jakub Grygier https://www.artstation.com/jakub_grygier

Graphics Team
Bryan Versteeg http://spacehabs.com
Jarred Eagley
Jeremy Jozwik https://www.artstation.com/zeuxis_of_losdiajana
Katie Byrne
Ken York https://www.facebook.com/YDVisual/
Kris Holland (Mafic Studios) www.maficstudios.com
Kristijan Tavcar
LegionTech Studios https://hades9.com
Mihail Yordanov
Sam McNamara
Sergio Botero https://www.artstation.com/sboterod?fref=gc

Isaac Arthur

Music Manager:
Luca DeRosa - lucaderosa2@live.com

Sergey Cheremisinov, "Sirius" https://www.s-cheremisinov.com
Miguel Johnson, "So Many Stars" https://soundcloud.com/migueljohnsonmjmusic
Aerium, "Fifth Star of Aldebaran" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRnUJY3l5vIJFGsY3XvW4dQ
Sergey Cheremisinov, "Labyrinth" https://www.s-cheremisinov.com
A.J. Prasad, "Cold Shadow" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA8-7qwaEPU
Markus Junnikkala, "A Memory of Earth" https://www.markusjunnikkala.com/

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