VOTE the Major Parties Last !! Robbo Da Yobbo For Prime Minister Of Australia

2 years ago

How do we break this Fake " TWO PARTY PREFERRED " system ???
Only preferred by those two parties that never have their power questioned within their own system.
#1 VOTE your sitting MEMBER LAST !!! and the whole Government gets brought down !

#2 VOTE LAST 6 votes on your ballot and we change the whole Country.
Labour - Liberal dead last 2 votes. Liberal Democrats too ..
Greens - Clive's United - 1 Nation - Nationals. Make up your LAST 6 votes.
PREFERENCE VOTING is what hurts this country.. you vote for someone else.. and these two dodgy parties filled with CROOKS keeps getting in and doing whatever THEY want to US...

WELL. it's time WE changed things..
Vote Then at the top Independents - Pirate Party ( not about boating - ) HEMP / Legalise Cannabis Party -

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