RV's and Campers Heading to Madison WI.

3 years ago

This May 5th Great Grandmother Audrey Polhamus of Sparta, WI is going to park her Camper at the Wisconsin State Capital in Madison, WI and she will refuse to move it until she has been absolutely guaranteed that her and her family’s term of enslavement has ended.

Hopefully, this 5th of May, 2022, other Wisconsin grandparents will join Great Grandmother Audrey and meet with her at our State’s Capital, with many of these Grandparent’s also in their RVs and Campers. Hopefully, Nationwide, other Grandparents will be doing the same in their respective State Capital this May 5th.

Great Grandmother Audrey, and those who join her, hope to peacefully disrupt business as usual in our State Capital until two mandates are met with the first mandate being a mandate that should be demanded in every State. http://gandgmadison.org

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