Alan Watt "If They Don't Get What They Want, They Make it Happen" 3.17.22

2 years ago

[Original Broadcast 26 April 2020] - Oklahoma City Bombing - I Came Out with the Phrase "New Normals" - Tom Clancy, CIA - After WWI, Groups Tried to Stop Another World War from Happening; Paris Conference, Bankers - Carroll Quigley's books, CFR, RIIA; Boer War - Terror; Tell Public Lies; Everyone had to Have Gas Masks, Digging Trenches - Propaganda, Public Relations - Communists wanted a Revolution, Made the People as Miserable as Possible - Hollywood's Hatred for Rural People, Especially Southerners; Country Militias - Clinton, Anti-terrorism Bill; Canada Passed Similar Bill in the Late 1990s - Technocrats - Waco, Government Went after a Small Group; David Koresh; Janet Reno, Ring of Black-Clad Agents Bowing to the Fire, Very Occult - Hatred of Christianity - Scientists are the New Priesthood - Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller - H.G. Wells, Bypassing Politicians - Jacques Ellul, the Importance of Education for Early Indoctrination; Trained to be Uniform - Teacher Unions, U.N., UNESCO; Groupthink - Social Engineering, Marxist Theories - Tony Blair, Oil; What Wars are Really About - Mercenaries, Soldiers - Plundered at Least Twice a Century - Bank for International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF); World Bank - GATT, Free Trade - Philanthropists - Work, Purpose, Routine - Maurice Strong, Biodiversity, Rio, Interdependence; Post-Industrial, Post-Consumer - Police; Milgram Experiment - Brotherhoods and the Swears They Take - Head of the W.H.O.; CDC, NIH; They All Parrot the Same Lines - Scientific Tyranny - Religion Protected Peasants for Centuries - The Law of God Gives You Rights - Scientific Socialism, Rule by Experts - H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Destruction of Family Allows State to Dictate Directly to the Individual - Private Business, Vaccines - Wartime Scenarios, Fun to Eat Less, Cook Up and Eat Crickets and Ants; Dancing Nurses.

#Alan Watt

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