2 years ago

This was the title of the CNN article, but imagine my surprise when I learned that the bill doesn’t mention CRT at all. I’m being facetious of course as these left leaning media platforms use this tactic all the time, just look at the “Don’t Say Gay” bill that doesn’t reference “gay” at all. CNN is counting on two things; the first is the reliance on their platform for information devoid of contradictory opinions and the second is the compassion of decent Americans, of which there is a majority. Journalism has been highjacked by global elites hell bent on destroying America because it poses the largest obstacle to their subjugation of the world populace. Children play an important role because their underdeveloped minds can be molded to insure that there is no resistance to building back better, reimagining, and/or reseting the world as we know it. Government schools have failed to educate, but succeeded in laying the groundwork for generations to covet the state at they expense of liberty. Universities, subsidized by the government, have transformed into government schools as well. Everything within the state nothing without. Honestly if we are not going to protect our children, if we are going to hide our heads under the covers with hopes the monster stays in the closet, if we are going to protect our ignorance because it is easier than fighting back, then we deserve what’s coming.


ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/MISSISSIPPI-GOV-SIGNS-LAW-PROHIBITING-SCHOOLS-TEACHING-CRT-e1frmqb

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