Antarctica: Does Anybody Really Know Anything? If So, Why Are They Keeping It to Themselves?

2 years ago

Like most pseudo-scientific programming flooding cable channels and various internet and social media sites, the titles always purport to present fascinating and amazing facts to be revealed regarding varying topics of interest. Like the myriad of scandal sheets that used to populate the magazine stands at checkout counters of the grocery stores, the narratives are typically simplistic, though worded with fantastic claims full of hyperbolic language, and full of poor quality images created by some ancient predecessor of Photoshop. What is usually missing is any verifiable evidence and claims made by often unknown or obscure authorities and other sources.

Granted, this low-grade journalism is entertaining, but it's mostly a harmless waste of time aimed at an audience that's easy to convince and not vested with strong critical thinking skills.

Granted I'm of a skeptical nature though I do admit that there's far more that I don't know than that which I do know. But it takes more than blurry pictures, hand waving, chest thumping, and misplaced enthusiasm to convince me of most anything.

That said, I think that some of the specimens below are not without some merit if not taken beyond their face value. However, I think that Admiral Byrd's diaries should be relegated to the ravings of a mad man. On the other hand it does bother me that so many world governments are spending so much time at the south pole.

YouTube Video List:

'NOW THIS Is Terrifying..' Antarctica Something Unbelievable Is Here (2022)
10 UNSETTLING Discoveries In Antarctica Nobody Can Explain!
Admiral Byrd's Strange Adventure
Scientists Terrifying New Discovery Under Antarctica's Ice Changes Everything
What are the secrets behind Antarctica
Why No One's Allowed To Explore The Antarctic

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