Sweden Russia Ukraine Psychic Predictions Timeline

3 years ago

Psychic predictions for Russia Ukraine Sweden etc.

Private readings: http://psychictai.yolasite.com

Finland & Sweden psychic predictions: https://youtu.be/9U1X-z2zbZ4
Predictions made in 2020: https://youtu.be/SB9Fr5Ykkf0
Predictions made Jan 2022: https://youtu.be/SB9Fr5Ykkf0

Before Biden was president I predicted conflict with Russia and Ukraine along with war starting in 2022 but that the US would not be involved in conflict. https://youtu.be/SB9Fr5Ykkf0
In jan 2022 I predicted Biden would move troops around areas of conflict without without engaging in war. https://youtu.be/TPP_rNKk1vM
In 2020 (before Biden) I said there would be explosions east of Moscow, and Sweden came up as being related in some manner. 
Dec 2021 (before conflict started) prediction video about Sweden & Finland:
a battle in the ocean near the southern shore of the country https://youtu.be/9U1X-z2zbZ4
Next monthly reading: April.

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