20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 66)

3 years ago

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:24 {Should we Follow our Hearts?} "Follow your heart" is a popular mantra, but is not encouraged in some Christian circles. I understand that Jeremiah 17.9 says "the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick," but Proverbs 4.23 says "the springs of life" flow from our hearts. Also, since God's word is written on our hearts (Jeremiah 31.33), shouldn't we follow our hearts?
2. 15:36 {Will We Have Memories in Heaven?} I recently heard people at my church say that when we get to Heaven our memories will essentially be wiped, and we won’t have any knowledge of our friends/family who are in Hell. Thoughts?
3. 23:25 {Are Job and Jonah Historical?} My pastor says Job and Jonah are probably not historical events, but more poetic lessons. How do I decide true stories from parables in the Old Testament without questioning everything?
4. 28:04 {Does Regeneration Precede Faith?} Is it first that you are born again and by that you confess Jesus as Lord and get Salvation, or you confess Jesus as your Lord first, and by that you get born again and will be granted Salvation?
5. 32:45 {Comparing Paul & Joseph Smith} Compared with Paul, is Joseph Smith such a novelty? E.g., they both had a vision of Jesus only they reported on, introduced new teachings, weren’t prophesied of by Jesus, and were martyred as result of ministry.
6. 42:53 {About Aggressive Countries/Leaders} Can you please explain what the Bible says we should do about an aggressor like Putin, and should other countries intervene to help Ukraine?
7. 46:19 {Pastor Mike’s Favorite Attributes of God} What is your personal favorite aspect/quality of each member of the Trinity?
8. 47:45 {Deconstruction vs. Deconversion} Is deconstruction just another term for deconversion? Why can't we deconstruct deconstructionism?
9. 52:25 {Does God Sometimes Not Know Things?} Why does God ask, “Who told you that you were naked?” in Genesis 3: 11? Does He not know?
10. 53:37 {Help for a Tough Marital Situation} What do you do when your spouse, who claims to be a Christian, has separated/said they want a divorce when they don’t have biblical grounds, and the church that married you won’t confront them?
11. 57:47 {Why did Paul Preach to the Jews?} Why did Paul go to Jerusalem to preach to the Jews in the temple when it seems he knew very clearly he was called to be an apostle to the Gentiles? He chose Jerusalem before he went to Rome.
12. 1:01:18 {Does God Forgive “Extreme” Sins?} A loved one is struggling with the idea that God would forgive an abuser or a murderer if they started following God after their evil actions. What can I say to help them through this doubt?
13. 1:04:57 {About Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings} Biblically thinking, are The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter different regarding sorcery? Lots of Christians disapprove of Harry Potter, yet admire LOTR. Is this distinction biblically justified?
14. 1:09:55 {Should we Desire to Read Scripture Daily?} Shouldn't a truly born-again believer desire to read the Scriptures regularly (even daily)? How should I approach and encourage a "Christian" who doesn't?
15. 1:12:21 {Reformed Theology vs. Calvinism} What’s the difference between “Reformed theology” and Calvinism? It seems like the two are different, but also the same. Just curious to know all the different groups within this body of believers.
16. 1:14:07 {How to “Carry our Cross”} How should we carry our cross in a practical sense?
17. 1:17:28 {Reconciling the Accounts of Jesus’ Birth} How can the accounts of Jesus' birth in Matthew and Luke be reconciled when Josephus says that Quirinius didn't become governor until after the banishment of Archelaus?
18. 1:21:44 {About Gog & Magog} I thought Gog & Magog in Revelation 20:8, and the Gog & Magog war in Ezekiel 28:2 were talking about the same event. I heard a Bible prophecy teacher say it was 2 separate events. Your thoughts?
19. 1:23:53 {Should we Read from Christian Mystics?} Should the writings of Christian mystics be avoided? My friend wants me to study a Jeanne Guyon book with her.
20. 1:25:32 {Is the Trinity Clearly Taught in the OT?} Is there a reason why a doctrine as important as the Trinity isn't EXPLICITLY declared in the Old Testament, especially the Torah, seeing as belief in the second person is paramount for salvation?

This is the ministry I mentioned who provide real, on the ground aid, in the name of Christ, to refugees from ISIS now living in poverty in Jordan. https://www.restoringfaithinc.org/

My video on "What about those who never hear the gospel?" https://youtu.be/IiyxpE5UBz4

My whole series on divorce and remarriage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2pC6...

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