Let My Love Open the Door by Pete Townshend ~ God's Guarantee to YOU!

2 years ago

Let My Love Open the Door is a short, but Brilliant Song by Pete Townshend (from The Who), that is written from the Perspective of God speaking to us...and the words that Pete used in the Song to represent God are PERFECTLY chosen, Divine, which speaks volumes about who the REAL Pete Townshend is, and not what the CaBAAL's Mainstream Media wants you to beLIEve...

The Door that MUST be opened is the Door to the Right in the Third Room of Solomon's Temple, which is YOUR TEMPLE, which means the Pineal Gland...and as the song reveals to us thru the Truthful Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Opening of this Door comes from Taking No Thought for Your Life and Learning to Trust Upon God completely...Release your Pain, your Suffering, your Hardship, your WEIGHT, and give it over to God, completely, and be Free from the Clutches of the CaBAAL...

The Truth in this song may seem too simple for some, but it isn't...this is the Hallmark of God's Creation...Simplicity...thus, all we truly have to do to let go of Pain and Suffering is to Come Back Home to both God and Mother Earth, by no longer taking worrisome thought from our LEFT, Thinking Brain...the Hellish Home of the Human Ego...and presto, Heaven Upon Earth manifests itself into our Reality...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 61 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...you can send a monetary donation to:


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Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Justin Carpenter:

Enjoy, Love, CF

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