Ep. 41 TX School Segregates Students for Science

2 years ago

In a startling revelation, classrooms in San Antonio,TX were revealed to have been segregated in an apparent work around of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under the guise of a social experiment 5th graders were sectioned off into two groups. One for blondes and red heads (you know, because there’s just so many non-white students with blonde and red hair) and one for dark haired students. The fair haired kids were brought to tears after being told by their teachers that they were less intelligent than the other group and forced to clean up the other groups mess. The abuse didn’t stop there though, the fair haired children were then given a puzzle that was missing pieces so as to continue to frustrate and humiliate the children with an assignment they could not complete.

As if all of that wasn’t bad enough the children were then shown a Spike Lee documentary going over the racial killing of five young black girls. A film that contained graphic images of autopsy photos of the dead children. It is amazing how after sixty years, leftists still believe that they are some how heroes for segregating children in the name of progress, and that belittling, traumatizing and abusing fifth graders displays just how they as educators have earned the moral authority to teach values to your kids. Once again it’s important to note that for a leftist anything is excusable so long as the person doing it feels good about themselves. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

Stay safe, stay informed, and God bless.

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San Antonio School Segregates Children - https://news4sanantonio.com/news/trouble-shooters/parents-angered-by-segregation-experiment-at-local-elementary-school

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Atlanta School Segregates Children Into Black and White Classes - https://nypost.com/2021/08/11/mom-says-atlanta-school-racially-segregated-daughter-lawsuit/

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