Business with Purpose Session 8 - Budgeting Part 3: Debt

2 years ago

Session 8: Budgeting Part 3: Debt. We review the 4 Habitsâ„¢ (formerly called the 4 Pillars) of Identify, Clarify, Classify and Modify as part of adopting our thinking pattern as a new process to budgeting our finances; treating money as a tool, and using budget sheets (personal and business) as part of structuring our finances. We look at what good debt is versus bad debt; the potential consequences for our financial decisions as a result; and finally, implement strategies to eliminate debt.

Session Highlights:

Introduction and Testimonials: 01:18:00 to 07:28:00
Proverbs Bible Study: 07:29:00 to 23:00:00
Review of the two previous sessions: 23:20:00 to 29:40:00
New Lesson: 30:15:00 to 1:18:24:00

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