US Media Eager For War NOT Diplomacy In Ukraine

2 years ago

In A White House Press Briefing, Reporters Repeatedly Ask Jen Psaki Why President
Joe Biden Isn't Providing More Weapons To Ukraine. Sam Seder and the MR Crew discuss this.

Clip via @The Intercept.

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Sam Seder: Zelensky addressed our congress just moments ago I guess and they, of course, those remarks were delivered virtually, and let's take a listen.


SS: I think that i think that what Zelensky is asking there for is like some type of iron dome or something to that effect yeah...

Emma Vigeland: Which is understandable from his perspective it's also I mean a no-fly zone it's incumbent upon the West to also just be disciplined in or NATO and not grant that request I think-

SS: Of course, of course I mean every that's to be expected that he would call for it to be expected that this is their perspective um and the problem is it's not just a no-fly zone it is a step into a conflict that is basically just opening the door to widen it uh much more and it can't happen this is and i think so far at least the administration is being um you know disciplined despite the fact there's an enormous pressure. It seems to me but here is um here's some of that pressure yep this is Jen Psaki at the White House press conference.

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