Business with Purpose Session 6 - Budgeting Part 1: The 4 Habits

2 years ago

Session 6: Budgeting Part 1: The 4 Habits. Introducing the 4 Habits™ (formerly called the 4 Pillars): using the process of Identify, Clarify, Classify, and Modify our financial spending and budget creation.

Session Highlights:

Introduction: 01:00:00 to 11:12:00
Proverbs Bible Study: 11:15:00 to 30:15:00
Special Message in Serving Others and Testimonies: 30:15:00 to 38:27:00
Successful Thinking Tip: “The 3 E’s to Success” 38:28:00 to 51:37:00
Lesson: 51:39:00 to 1:44:37

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